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Version: 3.5.0


MSM Example

package main

import (

func main() {
// Load backend using env path
// Set Cuda device to perform
device := runtime.CreateDevice("CUDA", 0)

// Obtain the default MSM configuration.
cfg := core.GetDefaultMSMConfig()

// Define the size of the problem, here 2^18.
size := 1 << 18

// Generate scalars and points for the MSM operation.
scalars := bn254.GenerateScalars(size)
points := bn254.GenerateAffinePoints(size)

// Create a CUDA stream for asynchronous operations.
stream, _ := runtime.CreateStream()
var p bn254.Projective

// Allocate memory on the device for the result of the MSM operation.
var out core.DeviceSlice
_, e := out.MallocAsync(p.Size(), 1, stream)

if e != runtime.Success {

// Set the CUDA stream in the MSM configuration.
cfg.StreamHandle = stream
cfg.IsAsync = true

// Perform the MSM operation.
e = msm.Msm(scalars, points, &cfg, out)

if e != runtime.Success {

// Allocate host memory for the results and copy the results from the device.
outHost := make(core.HostSlice[bn254.Projective], 1)

// Free the device memory allocated for the results.

MSM Method

func Msm(scalars core.HostOrDeviceSlice, points core.HostOrDeviceSlice, cfg *core.MSMConfig, results core.HostOrDeviceSlice) runtime.EIcicleError


  • scalars: A slice containing the scalars for multiplication. It can reside either in host memory or device memory.
  • points: A slice containing the points to be multiplied with scalars. Like scalars, these can also be in host or device memory.
  • cfg: A pointer to an MSMConfig object, which contains various configuration options for the MSM operation.
  • results: A slice where the results of the MSM operation will be stored. This slice can be in host or device memory.

Return Value

  • EIcicleError: A runtime.EIcicleError value, which will be runtime.Success if the operation was successful, or an error if something went wrong.


The MSMConfig structure holds configuration parameters for the MSM operation, allowing customization of its behavior to optimize performance based on the specifics of the operation or the underlying hardware.

type MSMConfig struct {
StreamHandle runtime.Stream
PrecomputeFactor int32
C int32
Bitsize int32
BatchSize int32
ArePointsSharedInBatch bool
areScalarsOnDevice bool
AreScalarsMontgomeryForm bool
areBasesOnDevice bool
AreBasesMontgomeryForm bool
areResultsOnDevice bool
IsAsync bool
Ext config_extension.ConfigExtensionHandler


  • StreamHandle: Specifies the stream (queue) to use for async execution.
  • PrecomputeFactor: Controls the number of extra points to pre-compute.
  • C: Window bitsize, a key parameter in the "bucket method" for MSM.
  • Bitsize: Number of bits of the largest scalar.
  • BatchSize: Number of results to compute in one batch.
  • ArePointsSharedInBatch: Bases are shared for batch. Set to true if all MSMs use the same bases. Otherwise, the number of bases and number of scalars are expected to be equal.
  • areScalarsOnDevice: Indicates if scalars are located on the device.
  • AreScalarsMontgomeryForm: True if scalars are in Montgomery form.
  • areBasesOnDevice: Indicates if bases are located on the device.
  • AreBasesMontgomeryForm: True if point coordinates are in Montgomery form.
  • areResultsOnDevice: Indicates if results are stored on the device.
  • IsAsync: If true, runs MSM asynchronously.
  • Ext: Extended configuration for backend.

Default Configuration

Use GetDefaultMSMConfig to obtain a default configuration, which can then be customized as needed.

func GetDefaultMSMConfig() MSMConfig

Batched msm

For batch msm, simply allocate the results array with size corresponding to batch size and set the ArePointsSharedInBatch flag in config struct.


// Obtain the default MSM configuration.
cfg := GetDefaultMSMConfig()

cfg.Ctx.IsBigTriangle = true


How do I toggle between MSM modes?

Toggling between MSM modes occurs automatically based on the number of results you are expecting from the MSM function.

The number of results is interpreted from the size of var out core.DeviceSlice. Thus its important when allocating memory for var out core.DeviceSlice to make sure that you are allocating <number of results> X <size of a single point>.


batchSize := 3
var p G2Projective
var out core.DeviceSlice
out.Malloc(p.Size(), batchSize)


Parameters for optimal performance

Please refer to the primitive description

Support for G2 group

To activate G2 support first you must make sure you are building the static libraries with G2 feature enabled as described in the Golang building instructions.

Now you may import g2 package of the specified curve.

import (

This package include G2Projective and G2Affine points as well as a G2Msm method.

package main

import (


func main() {
cfg := core.GetDefaultMSMConfig()
points := bn254.GenerateAffinePoints(1024)
var precomputeFactor int32 = 8
var precomputeOut core.DeviceSlice
precomputeOut.Malloc(points[0].Size(), points.Len()*int(precomputeFactor))

err := msm.PrecomputeBases(points, &cfg, precomputeOut)
if err != runtime.Success {
log.Fatalf("PrecomputeBases failed: %v", err)

G2Msm works the same way as normal MSM, the difference is that it uses G2 Points.