Golang bindings
Golang bindings allow you to use ICICLE as a golang library. The source code for all Golang packages can be found here.
The Golang bindings are comprised of multiple packages.
which defines all shared methods and structures, such as configuration structures, or memory slices.
which defines abstractions for ICICLE methods for allocating memory, initializing and managing streams, and Device
which enables users to define and keep track of devices.
Each supported curve and field has its own package which you can find in the respective directories here. If your project uses BN254 you only need to import that single package named bn254
Using ICICLE Golang bindings in your project
To add ICICLE to your go.mod
go get github.com/ingonyama-zk/icicle/v3
If you want to specify a specific branch
go get github.com/ingonyama-zk/icicle/v3@<branch_name>
For a specific commit
go get github.com/ingonyama-zk/icicle/v3@<commit_id>
Building from source
To build the shared libraries you can run this script inside the downloaded go dependency:
./build.sh [-curve=<curve>] [-field=<field>] [-cuda_version=<version>] [-skip_msm] [-skip_ntt] [-skip_g2] [-skip_ecntt] [-skip_fieldext]
curve - The name of the curve to build or "all" to build all supported curves
field - The name of the field to build or "all" to build all supported fields
-skip_msm - Optional - build with MSM disabled
-skip_ntt - Optional - build with NTT disabled
-skip_g2 - Optional - build with G2 disabled
-skip_ecntt - Optional - build with ECNTT disabled
-skip_fieldext - Optional - build without field extension
-help - Optional - Displays usage information
If more than one curve or more than one field is supplied, the last one supplied will be built
To build ICICLE libraries for all supported curves without certain features, you can use their -skip_<feature> flags. For example, for disabling G2 and ECNTT:
./build.sh -curve=all -skip_g2 -skip_ecntt
By default, all features are enabled. To build for a specific field or curve, you can pass the -field=<field_name>
or -curve=<curve_name>
./build.sh -curve=bn254
Now you can import ICICLE into your project
import (
Building with precompiled libs
Download the frontend release binaries from our github release page, for example: icicle30-ubuntu22.tar.gz for ICICLE v3 on ubuntu 22.04
Extract the libs and move them to the downloaded go dependency in your GOMODCACHE
# extract frontend part
tar xzvf icicle30-ubuntu22.tar.gz
cp -r ./icicle/lib/* $(go env GOMODCACHE)/github.com/ingonyama-zk/icicle/v3@<version>/build/lib/
Running tests
To run all tests, for all curves:
go test ./... -count=1
If you wish to run test for a specific curve or field:
go test <path_to_curve_or_field> -count=1
How do Golang bindings work?
The golang packages are binded to the libraries produced from compiling ICICLE using cgo.
These libraries (named
) can be imported in your Go project to leverage the accelerated functionalities provided by ICICLE.In your Go project, you can use
to link these libraries. Here's a basic example on how you can usecgo
to link these libraries:
#cgo LDFLAGS: -L/path/to/shared/libs -licicle_device -lstdc++ -lm -Wl,-rpath=/path/to/shared/libs
#include "icicle.h" // make sure you use the correct header file(s)
import "C"
func main() {
// Now you can call the C functions from the ICICLE libraries.
// Note that C function calls are prefixed with 'C.' in Go code.
Replace /path/to/shared/libs
with the actual path where the shared libraries are located on your system.
Supported curves, fields and operations
Supported curves and operations
Operation\Curve | bn254 | bls12_377 | bls12_381 | bw6-761 | grumpkin |
MSM | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
G2 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
NTT | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
ECNTT | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
VecOps | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Polynomials | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
Supported fields and operations
Operation\Field | babybear |
VecOps | ✅ |
Polynomials | ✅ |
NTT | ✅ |
Extension Field | ✅ |