Icicle C++ Usage Guide
This guide covers the usage of ICICLE's C++ API, including device management, memory operations, data transfer, synchronization, and compute APIs.
Device Management
See all ICICLE runtime APIs in runtime.h
Loading a Backend
The backend can be loaded from a specific path or from an environment variable. This is essential for setting up the computing environment.
#include "icicle/runtime.h"
eIcicleError result = icicle_load_backend_from_env_or_default();
// or load from custom install dir
eIcicleError result = icicle_load_backend("/path/to/backend/installdir", true);
Setting and Getting Active Device
You can set the active device for the current thread and retrieve it when needed:
icicle::Device device = {"CUDA", 0}; // or other
eIcicleError result = icicle_set_device(device);
// or query current (thread) device
eIcicleError result = icicle_get_active_device(device);
Querying Device Information
Retrieve the number of available devices and check if a pointer is allocated on the host or on the active device:
int device_count;
eIcicleError result = icicle_get_device_count(device_count);
bool is_host_memory;
eIcicleError result = icicle_is_host_memory(ptr);
bool is_device_memory;
eIcicleError result = icicle_is_active_device_memory(ptr);
Memory Management
Allocating and Freeing Memory
Memory can be allocated and freed on the active device:
void* ptr;
eIcicleError result = icicle_malloc(&ptr, 1024); // Allocate 1024 bytes
eIcicleError result = icicle_free(ptr); // Free the allocated memory
Asynchronous Memory Operations
You can perform memory allocation and deallocation asynchronously using streams:
icicleStreamHandle stream;
eIcicleError err = icicle_create_stream(&stream);
void* ptr;
err = icicle_malloc_async(&ptr, 1024, stream);
err = icicle_free_async(ptr, stream);
Querying Available Memory
Retrieve the total and available memory on the active device:
size_t total_memory, available_memory;
eIcicleError err = icicle_get_available_memory(total_memory, available_memory);
Setting Memory Values
Set memory to a specific value on the active device, synchronously or asynchronously:
eIcicleError err = icicle_memset(ptr, 0, 1024); // Set 1024 bytes to 0
eIcicleError err = icicle_memset_async(ptr, 0, 1024, stream);
Data Transfer
Copying Data
Data can be copied between host and device, or between devices. The location of the memory is inferred from the pointers:
eIcicleError result = icicle_copy(dst, src, size);
eIcicleError result = icicle_copy_async(dst, src, size, stream);
Explicit Data Transfers
To avoid device-inference overhead, use explicit copy functions:
eIcicleError result = icicle_copy_to_host(host_dst, device_src, size);
eIcicleError result = icicle_copy_to_host_async(host_dst, device_src, size, stream);
eIcicleError result = icicle_copy_to_device(device_dst, host_src, size);
eIcicleError result = icicle_copy_to_device_async(device_dst, host_src, size, stream);
Stream Management
Creating and Destroying Streams
Streams are used to manage asynchronous operations:
icicleStreamHandle stream;
eIcicleError result = icicle_create_stream(&stream);
eIcicleError result = icicle_destroy_stream(stream);
Synchronizing Streams and Devices
Ensure all previous operations on a stream or device are completed before proceeding:
eIcicleError result = icicle_stream_synchronize(stream);
eIcicleError result = icicle_device_synchronize();