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Version: 2.8.0


Keccak Example

package main

import (

cr ""

func createHostSliceFromHexString(hexString string) core.HostSlice[uint8] {
byteArray, err := hex.DecodeString(hexString)
if err != nil {
panic("Not a hex string")
return core.HostSliceFromElements([]uint8(byteArray))

func main() {
input := createHostSliceFromHexString("1725b6")
outHost256 := make(core.HostSlice[uint8], 32)

cfg := keccak.GetDefaultHashConfig()
e := keccak.Keccak256(input, int32(input.Len()), 1, outHost256, &cfg)
if e.CudaErrorCode != cr.CudaSuccess {
panic("Keccak256 hashing failed")

outHost512 := make(core.HostSlice[uint8], 64)
e = keccak.Keccak512(input, int32(input.Len()), 1, outHost512, &cfg)
if e.CudaErrorCode != cr.CudaSuccess {
panic("Keccak512 hashing failed")

numberOfBlocks := 3
outHostBatch256 := make(core.HostSlice[uint8], 32*numberOfBlocks)
e = keccak.Keccak256(input, int32(input.Len()/numberOfBlocks), int32(numberOfBlocks), outHostBatch256, &cfg)
if e.CudaErrorCode != cr.CudaSuccess {
panic("Keccak256 batch hashing failed")

Keccak Methods

func Keccak256(input core.HostOrDeviceSlice, inputBlockSize, numberOfBlocks int32, output core.HostOrDeviceSlice, config *HashConfig) core.IcicleError
func Keccak512(input core.HostOrDeviceSlice, inputBlockSize, numberOfBlocks int32, output core.HostOrDeviceSlice, config *HashConfig) core.IcicleError


  • input: A slice containing the input data for the Keccak256 hash function. It can reside in either host memory or device memory.
  • inputBlockSize: An integer specifying the size of the input data for a single hash.
  • numberOfBlocks: An integer specifying the number of results in the hash batch.
  • output: A slice where the resulting hash will be stored. This slice can be in host or device memory.
  • config: A pointer to a HashConfig object, which contains various configuration options for the Keccak256 operation.

Return Value

  • CudaError: Returns a CUDA error code indicating the success or failure of the Keccak256/Keccak512 operation.


The HashConfig structure holds configuration parameters for the Keccak256/Keccak512 operation, allowing customization of its behavior to optimize performance based on the specifics of the operation or the underlying hardware.

type HashConfig struct {
Ctx cr.DeviceContext
areInputsOnDevice bool
areOutputsOnDevice bool
IsAsync bool


  • Ctx: Device context containing details like device id and stream.
  • areInputsOnDevice: Indicates if input data is located on the device.
  • areOutputsOnDevice: Indicates if output hash is stored on the device.
  • IsAsync: If true, runs the Keccak256/Keccak512 operation asynchronously.

Default Configuration

Use GetDefaultHashConfig to obtain a default configuration, which can then be customized as needed.

func GetDefaultHashConfig() HashConfig